Uniform Policy

  1. All team players must wear the same color shirts/jerseys (uniforms) with permanent numbers on the back as a minimum requirement.  Jersey numbers on the front of the uniform as well as on the back is recommended.
  2. Team uniforms must be tucked in with flags on the hips.
  3. Shorts with pockets and wearing jewelry are prohibited.
  4. Baseball caps may be worn backwards only.
  5. Beginning in Week Two of the regular season, teams will be penalized two points per player wearing an illegal jersey.
    NOTE: This rule is only enforced if the opposing team captain protests and brings it to the attention of the officials and league manager before the game begins.
  6. All players are encouraged to wear either molded or detachable cleats.  Tennis shoes are acceptable to wear but not recommended.  Metal cleats are strictly prohibited.  Players who are found wearing metal cleats will not be able to play in the game.
  7. Players are only allowed to use official FAS authorized flag belts (Sonic Boom flag belts).  Belts are to be worn around the waist with flags on the hips.
  8. Pants or shorts must contrast the color of the flags.
  9. Players (both offensive and defensive) must have one flag on each side of the hips at the start of any play.  There will be a five yard penalty for failure to wear proper equipment.

Flight Action Taking Sports to New Heights

San Diego County's premier flag football, basketball and volleyball competitive sports leagues.